Kia is returning to the World’s biggest tech event with its futuristic approach, after taking a long five year break. Company announced that it plans to participate in the world’s biggest consumer technology trade show CES with its new purpose-built electric vehicle lineup. Along with that the big plans to accelerate company business will be another surprising point for the consumer.
As usual the CES event will take the limelight with its unprecedented technological innovation and introduction of electric vehicles by automakers. But this time Kia is ready to take the floor. Kia will redefine PBVs as “Platform Beyond Vehicles.” presenting them as total mobility solutions beyond traditional ones.

This new Kia PBV combines “fit-for-purpose EVs” with the advanced software that will open the next door to the electric vehicle market. The company will also present a new purposeful hardware like Easy Swap and Digital solution developed by Hyundai.
The purpose-built EVs, introduced by Kia, include the 2025 mass production ready debut model. Further Kia will also introduce its futuristic “EV for all” vision with the EV3 and EV4 concepts on display. Along with that Kia’s flagship EV9 will also take road with sporty EV6 GT.

This purpose-built electric vehicle fleet includes fine vehicles consisting of: one small, one large and three medium PUV. And the introductory vehicle of the Kia at CES next month, stating January 9 is the small one. This will be another great step by the company in the journey of transitions to a sustainable mobility solution provider.

To conceptualize its dream of electric transition the Kia is invested a hefty amount around $758 million. Also the construction of the first PBV factory began in South Korea, in April. And the first PBV would be based on a PBV dedicated new “eS” platform. Kia is also expected that the mass production of its EV will start in the second half of 2025.