Mercury Marine has just showed off its two new electric outboard motors at the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) held in Las Vegas, Nevada. Company now offers its new largest electric outboards motor Avator 75e and 110e in the follow up of Avator 7.5e powered with higher performance and larger vessels.

On the event of debut John Buelow, Mercury Marine president explained, “As we deliver on our commitment to introduce five low-voltage electric outboards, we are also excited to provide a concept of a high-voltage electric propulsion system. This concept, along with our incredible internal combustion products which have redefined outboard performance, continue to position us as the innovation leader in the marine industry.”

Mercury Marine’s New Avator 75e and 110e
The brand says that the Avator 75e is said to produce 7.5 Kw that produces approx 10 horsepower of propulsive power at the prop. Whereas the larger Avator 110e comes with 11 kW near 15 horsepower of propulsive power at the prop. Both can be connected to the existing motor mounts on boats, most likely to the U.S. pontoon boats.
Mercury is also made it’s battery swappable that means a spare battery can change with the depleted one, serving the role of a littler red fuel can for longer outings. Further a new biggest and more integrated back is of 1-, 2.3-, or 5.4-kilowatt-hour sizes are available with 2.3 as an initial offer. Also the battery packs provided by the company comes along with the necessary power control modules. That ensures the overall system satisfies regulations and safety.

If talking about pricing, Mercury Marine hasn’t released any news. But the company has revealed that to know additional details buyers have to wait for the product launch in mid-2024.

Electric Motor has seen a rapid growth over the last few years. With its Avator series Mercury’s has seized the market with its versatile range of several electric outboards. Meanwhile there are other automakers that are in search for more innovation that makes the future outboards with more range and high performance.